Day – 1
(UTC+11) |
Tuesday, 30 August 2022 |
08:30 – 09:30
09:30 – 10:00 | Opening
(Group Photograph) |
10:00 – 10:30 | Coffee/Tea Break |
10:30 – 11:00 | Session 1 – Plenary
11:00 – 12:15 | Session 2 : (Ministers and Regulators Session) Roundtable on Updates of Policy and Regulation in the Pacific
In many sectors, the rapid development of telecommunication and ICTs has provided opportunities and challenges to the ICT policymakers and regulators at the same time. Effective cross sectoral policy and regulatory framework will accelerate the development of ICT services and industry, which will in turn contribute to socio-economic growth, innovation and better delivery of public services. This Roundtable session will invite Ministers or Regulators in the Pacific to share insights, experiences, lessons learned, initiatives taken with regard to telecommunication and ICTs policy and regulation in their countries.
Moderator: (tbd) Topics:
12:15 – 14:00 | Lunch Break |
14:00 – 15:15 |
Session 3 : Digital Transformation : from fighting against pandemic to thriving in the post-pandemic world
COVID-19 still casts shadow over Pacific region. Recently, the COVID-19 infection has increased sharply across Pacific Island countries contrary to other areas of the world. The use of telecommunication and ICTs during the COVID-19 pandemic are examples of opportunities of digital transformation. During the pandemic, many countries use telecommunication and ICTs for maintaining social connections, providing needed services, and virtual education, etc. Moving to the post-pandemic world, this experience of success accelerates the digital transformation across all sectors of our society. The impact of pandemic strengthens the demand for contactless online services. The demand for faster and more convenient one stop service has greatly increased the need for data sharing among government agencies and even with private companies. Moreover, a rapid development of AI/Big data technologies urges government and private companies to provide individualized/customized services. This session will share insights, experiences, lessons learned, policies being implemented with regard to combat COVID-19 pandemic and accelerating digital transformation which is needed in post-pandemic world.
Moderator: (tbd) Topics :
15:15 – 15:30 | Coffee/Tea Break |
15:30 – 16:45 | Session 4 : Broadband Connectivity for the Pacific countries
Large areas of Pacific countries are still underserved or unserved in terms of connectivity. Broadband connectivity is the key to the development in the Pacific. Broadband connectivity is being built through fiber optics, international submarine and terrestrial cables, satellites, mobile and fixed networks, etc. There are various aspects in advancing broadband networks in order to build inclusive telecommunication/ICT infrastructures. This session will discuss on the challenges to improve Broadband connectivity in Pacific Island countries, and updates from the initiatives for improving connectivity. The session also shares the best practices, challenges and opportunities regarding Universal Service Funds. Moderator: (tbd) Topics:
Day – 2 | Wednesday, 31 August 2022 |
9:00 – 10:15 |
Session 5 : Cybersecurity: Regulatory approaches for more trusted internet
The rapid and widespread development of online services has been at the heart of the digital changes that impact our lives. Especially, online platforms have created significant benefits for consumers and innovation, and helped global market become more efficient. While there is a broad consensus on the benefits of this transformation, the problems arising have numerous consequences for our society and economy. For more trusted internet, a core concern is the trade and exchange of illegal goods, services and content online. Online services are also being misused by manipulative algorithmic systems to amplify the spread of disinformation, and for other harmful purposes. These challenges and the way platforms address them have a significant impact on fundamental rights online. So, many countries such as EU, US, Japan, Korea, etc. are trying to regulate platforms. This session will discuss recent global trends to ensure more trusted Internet by regulating global online platforms and share ideas on its impact/prospect with regard to the rights of all users of internet services. Moderator: (tbd) Topics :
10:15 – 10:45 | Coffee/Tea Break |
10:45 – 12:00 | Session 6 : Emerging technologies: Policy Implications and Impacts on digital transformation
New and emerging technologies are growing at an unprecedented pace which are affecting existing policy and regulation frameworks. As a result of such a dynamic ecosystem, government and regulators are facing difficulties towards designing and addressing challenges to cope with technological progress and its impact. The session will address the challenges and approaches of the policy makers and regulators in terms of emerging technologies and will recommend a possible way forward. Moderator: (tbd) Topics:
12:00 – 14:00 | Lunch Break |
14:00 – 15:15 | Session 7 : Quality of Service of mobile voice and data connection
One of the key factors of telecommunication services is Quality of Service (QoS). In the Pacific region, small islands with no domestic submarine cables would require microwave radio transmission, satellite or mobile which are not so stable as cables. Therefore, ensuring the QoS of telecommunication services in the Pacific countries is quite challenging but essential to provide reliable services. The session will discuss the technical aspect and policy/regulatory aspects to address the challenges and way forward regarding QoS in the context of telecommunication environment of the Pacific countries. Moderator: (tbd) Topics: Challenges faced byservice providers in the Pacific countries in terms of QoS
15:15 – 15:45 | Coffee/Tea Break |
15:45 – 17:00 | Session 8 : Closed Session for Policy Makers and Regulators
This session is an exclusive session for exchanging candid views and information amongst Policy Makers and Regulators on issues around ICT in the Pacific countries. The discussion topics will be decided by the participating countries. Moderator: Chairman of PRFP
Day – 3 | Thursday, 1 September 2022 |
9:00 – 10:15 | Session 9 : Improving Digital skills in Pacific in a rapid changing ICT environment
In Pacific region, improving Digital skills has been a cross-cutting issue to reach targets of poverty reduction and economic growth. Also, it is critical for the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs). The rapid pace of technological changes in the ICT sector demands a matching pace in the development of the Digital skills and competencies required to fully leverage the benefits of these new technologies. This session will discuss on the challenges to improve Digital skills in Pacific Island countries, and lessons learned from the initiatives for improving Digital skills. We will also explore the correlation between youth and ICT in the aspect of utilizing the power of youth in the ICT sector. Moderator: (tbd) Topics:
10:15 – 10:45 | Coffee/Tea Break |
10:45 – 12:00 | Session 10 : Improving Disaster Management in the Pacific
Recently, Pacific region has experienced a lot of disasters such as the volcanic eruption in Tonga, etc. Managing disasters well in the Pacific is becoming more and more important for stable development of society and wellness of citizens. This session provides updates of policies and strategies for reliable and resilient telecommunication/ICT infrastructure and services to secure their availability during disasters, and to support all phases of disaster management, including dissemination of information for public safety, and enabling disaster communication and resource mobilization during disaster-relief effort and recovery efforts in the Pacific. Moderator: (tbd) Topics:
12:00 – 14:00 | Lunch Break |
14:00 – 15:15 | Session 11: Plenary and Closing
Chairman: Mr. John Jack, Chairman of PRFP Topics: